Contact and opening times

Albhotel Malakoff "House of Nature"
Dr. Dana and Andreas Pohl
Malakoffstraße 21
73349 Wiesensteig

Phone 07335-9245090
Fax  07335-924509-45

Mobile 0171-3671330

Book online now


Opening times:

Our hotel is open from Monday to Sunday for you.

Our restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesday! From Tuesday to Saturday the Kitchen are open for you from 17.00 til 21.00.

Our beautiful "German-Beergarden" with panoramic terrace is open from May til September when the weather is fine.

At Sunday is our restaurant open for you from 11.30 til 14.00 and 17.00 til 21.00

Reserve a table, made ​​reservations we accept by phone at +49 (0 ) 7335-9245090 contrary!